Most people who seek healing initially approach it through the mind. This is perfectly logical, as the mind is where we humans spend most of our time.
One of the most profound discoveries in life is that healing is not about eliminating pain, sorrow, or discomfort. It is not the absence of that which
I don’t think there has been a word more frequently used over the past five years than polarisation. It seems as though the divisions are greater than
Underlying everything that life is and has to offer us, there lies one great desire, and that is recognition. Is it truly allowed to exist? Ultimately
When you think about the perfection of nature and the wonder that life is, it would seem very strange if we as humans were not equipped from head to t
Whether we are aware of it or not, the moment we encounter someone, we have scanned and mapped their energy beyond the constraints of time and space.
Time and again, I am in awe of the dedication with which life helps us. Whether it is to get us moving when we are stuck or to protect us when we are
Dr. David Hawkins created the consciousness scale, a framework for understanding human emotions and behaviour based on their energy levels and frequen
In times of major transitions, such as those we are currently experiencing, old structures crumble, and new ones are not yet fully established. Everyt
Hal and Sidra Stone, two psychologists, are the founders of the Voice Dialogue method and the ‘psychology of selves’. It is not therapy but a form of
Dear You, I come to you bearing gifts, two elements that forge a key. Where awareness meets compassion, a door opens and you access an open, fearless
As soulless structures collapse on a massive scale and soulfulness gains structure, there have never been more spiritual seekers. The contrasts within
Your body is a brilliant feedback mechanism that continually provides insights into how you are consciously and unconsciously conditioned in your inte
When it comes to energetic disturbances in spaces, nothing captures the imagination quite like spirit energy. Watching too many frightening Hollywood
To notice changes in your consciousness, you must be present. By being present, I mean being fully aware of your feelings, thoughts, emotions, and phy
I sometimes use the metaphor of a spider’s web to explain what it means to be transparent. You are the spider at the centre of the web, and all
Recently, I was on Terschelling with wonderful people for a conference on infinity. When we shared what the theme meant to us, a friend explained that
Shell may, after all, be allowed to drill for oil in the Arctic. When this news was recently announced, a wave of protests erupted against the company
Marshall Rosenberg is the founder of Nonviolent Communication, a disarming and effective form of dialogue based on four simple steps. The first step i
According to the Dalai Lama, love and compassion are not luxury goods but essential necessities for the survival of humanity. Compassion, which litera
Thanks to research conducted by the Institute of HeartMath, we are gaining increasing insight into the profound intelligence of the heart. It is now k
When two or more people meet, a complex energetic exchange takes place. The way one responds to each other’s presence is dictated by both consci
It remains astonishing how quickly one forgets that they are part of a greater whole. Life masterfully provides the illusion that everything one exper
The word yoga means “to connect.” A yogi consciously lives in connection with everything and everyone. In reality, it is impossible not to be connecte
In recent years, I have cleared thousands of homes, ranging from the grandest royal estates to the smallest, most neglected cottages you could imagine
Recent events, such as the ongoing atrocities in the Palestine-Israeli conflict, serve as stark reminders of one unsettling truth: we are our own grea
The American author and quantum scientist Gregg Braden is a pioneer in merging quantum physics with ancient esoteric wisdom. Over two decades, Braden
The essence of clearing lies in consciously experiencing and allowing things to be. By halting the narrative surrounding what you experience, phenomen
Jeanne Denney of The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto conducted a fascinating study. Intrigued by the process of dying and how indiv
The American neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor is best known for her book My Stroke of Insight and the accompanying TEDx talk. In these, she recounts t
In 1998, the American neuroscientists Botvinick and Cohen published an experiment that became known as the “Rubber Hand Illusion.” In this experiment,
Buddhists claim that the illusion of separateness is the root of all suffering. For them, compassion is the ultimate remedy to end this suffering. Upo
When the mind, ego, or the seeker within you is confronted with the idea of “allowing things to be,” it immediately interprets this as indifference. W
Visualising roots extending from the soles of your feet, growing through all the layers of the earth until they reach its core; attaching a cord from
A sphere of golden light, a hedge of roses, or angelic sentinels surrounding your aura—methods for energetic protection are as varied as they are nume
‘Let it go’ seems to be the solution to many problems these days. However, a closer examination of the concept of letting go reveals that it does not