Constellation Clearing™

A constellation clearing brings movement, clarity, tranquility and space to the conscious and unconscious dynamics within a relationship of two people, in a family or an entire family system.

You may have a conflict with someone, notice that communication is difficult or that there is a clear or indefinable feeling of stagnation.

A constellation clearing brings clarity, peace, space and movement to the conscious and unconscious dynamics of a relationship between two people, in a family or an entire family system. In these constellation clearings I not only personally clear the individuals involved, but I zoom in in particular on the energy that does not flow freely, blocks or even sabotages in the constellation of those individuals.

By discharging the tension that this causes, nourishing life energy can flow again in a constellation, leading to clarity, solutions, refreshing perspectives and constructive conversations. A constellation clearing can breathe new life into a constellation, but also help to close a joint adventure on a good note. This can be done with living people but also with deceased.

constellation clearing

Relationship constellation clearing

€ 256,-

  • Personal clearing for 2 people.
  • Clearing for the visible and invisible dynamics within the constellation of the two involved.
  • 4 weeks of personal clearing support on Friday to allow the effect of the constellation clearing to be properly integrated

constellation clearing

Household constellation clearing

€ 384,-

  • Personal clearing for family members (3-8 people).
  • Clearing for the visible and invisible dynamics within the constellation of the family members.
  • 4 weeks of personal clearing support on Friday to allow the effect of the constellation clearing to be properly integrated

constellation clearing

Family constellation clearing

€ 512,-

  • Personal clearing for the individuals within a family system.
  • Clearing for the visible and invisible dynamics within the constellation of the family system.
  • 4 weeks of personal clearing support on Friday to allow the effect of the constellation clearing to be properly integrated