01 Nov Letting Be vs Energetic Protection
A sphere of golden light, a hedge of roses, or angelic sentinels surrounding your aura—methods for energetic protection are as varied as they are numerous. Many people feel the need to shield themselves from the world to avoid being overwhelmed by the vast array of energies around them.
When you feel the need for protection, the underlying driver is often fear, judgment, or denial. You believe that whatever you are shielding against has the potential to harm, overwhelm, or possess you. It is natural to want to block out unpleasant experiences and prevent their recurrence. However, the effect of energetic shielding is often the opposite of what you intend to achieve.
On closer inspection, energetic shielding is a form of resistance to what is arising. Resistance has two significant effects. Firstly, it amplifies what you are trying to exclude, giving it more energy and power. Consequently, it exerts increasing control over you. Secondly, resistance weakens you by reinforcing the feeling of vulnerability to an invisible enemy. This sense of helplessness is compounded by the belief that external tools, such as a sphere of golden light or a hedge of roses, are necessary to resolve the issue. Unintentionally, you invest in the very conflict you wish to resolve, and over time, you find yourself having to do more and more to achieve the same level of protection. This is understandable because, through resistance, the “invisible enemy” grows stronger, necessitating ever higher and thicker metaphorical walls. This cycle is ultimately self-defeating.
The Illusion of the Enemy
You may come to realise that what troubles you is not the energy itself but your resistance to it. No one has ever died from feeling fear, anger, or sadness. It is the resistance to these emotions that generates enormous toxic tension in the system, which can lead to illness. This realisation can be confronting because it reveals an inability to navigate life in a way that prevents it from becoming burdensome. At the same time, it invites you to explore what happens when you welcome life into your heart instead of trying to exclude it.
The Power of the Compassionate Heart
The compassionate heart possesses a unique ability: it can fully experience life in all its dimensions while simultaneously allowing everything to simply be. The energetic effects of this openness are profound. You release old tension, retrain your system to engage with life consciously, and avoid perpetuating the same stress patterns. Moreover, your presence helps those around you to release their tension. In this way, you grow stronger, while the forces you once sought to shield against are weakened.
By consciously experiencing and allowing these energies or frequencies, you train your nervous system to handle them freely without them becoming burdensome. This increases your “bandwidth,” enabling you to experience a greater range of life’s aspects with increasing intensity, without reacting or being weighed down. This process applies to emotions, thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations, as well as to electromagnetic stress, geopathic radiation, and even the side effects of medication.
Freedom Beyond Protection
Ultimately, this practice leads to a state where you can be anywhere and with anyone, fully present to whatever arises, while remaining deeply connected to yourself. This is true freedom—a life without any need for protection.
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