energetic space clearing

An energy clearing of your home brings energy and peace back into your living environment. The flow returns and your home is once again a safe space to grow and relax.

How can you tell if the energy in your house is out of balance?

  • Outdoors you feel energetic and lively, indoors you feel listless and uninspired.
  • It’s hard to start things up, keep them rolling and finish.
  • Your house is difficult to keep clean or tidy.
  • You sleep poorly, restlessly and do not wake up rested.
  • Some places in the house feel cold or uncomfortable.
  • Mutual tensions between occupants.
  • A restless, irritable feeling.
  • (Chronic) health problems.

If you recognize one or more of the symptoms mentioned, it may indicate a disturbed energy balance in your home. You can then request the free 4-point Energy Scan, which gives you a global impression of whether the energy is too passive or too active and whether there are disturbances of emotions, earth energies and electro-stress. If you want more detailed information about the degree of imbalance, the origin of the (principle) disturbances and whether house and residents benefit from energetic space clearing, you can request the extensive 18-point Energy Scan.

Additional personal clearing

When a space is freed of old energetic charge, it is gone and will not return. This works differently with people because as a person you have to deal with persistent patterns, conditioning, limiting beliefs and addictions. Additional personal support after the initial clearing of your home not only helps you to adapt more easily to the changed energy of your home, it also helps you to release old tension over a longer period of time and prevents it from quickly building up again. This personal support is included in both the basic (1 month) and the extensive remote energetic house cleaning (2 months) and the on-site energetic house cleansing (2 months).


Energetic space clearing documentary

Documentary filmmaker Fleur van der Minne of Little Miracle Productions has made this documentary about Juno Burger in which he is followed during the energetic clearing of a house in Amsterdam.


The Energy Scan is a valuable intermediate step that you can take to gain clarity about whether the energy of your house has been disturbed, to what extent and what is causing it.

Based on the outcome, I can advise you whether the owner/occupants and the house could benefit from energetic space clearing and whether it can best be carried out on location or remotely. The scan is an inventory of the disturbances, not the energetic clearing itself.

Basic scan

energy scan


Extensive scan

energy scan

€ 64,-

remote space clearing

One of the most fascinating features of Realease energy work is that it is not limited by time and space. The underlying principle is that everything is interconnected on an energetic level. As a result, all information about a person, place and event is available at all times for me to connect with, to read it and to work with it energetically.

In more than 85% of cases it is not necessary for me to work on location and I can effectively and remotely clear the disturbances in and around the house. The big advantage of this method is that it does not involve travel and explanation time and therefore costs are lower. If remote energy work is abstract to you and difficult to imagine, I recommend that you book a space clearing consultation on site.

If you want to gain more insight into the extent to which your house is out of balance, where the principle disturbance comes from and whether I can best clear your house remotely or on location, I recommend that you request the extensive 18-point Energy Scan. Based on the outcome, I can give you appropriate advice, including whether it is necessary for me to work on location.

Energetic space clearing


€ 192,-

  • Detailed 18-point energy scan that gives you insight into the energetic situation of your house and the sources of disturbance.
  • Careful energetic clearing of your house and the immediate surroundings
  • Energetic cleaning of the current occupant(s) allowing a smooth adaptation to the new energetic situation in your home.
  • Free Friday included: remote personal clearing worth €120:
    The current occupants receive a weekly remote personal clearing on Friday after the clearing of the house for 1 month.

Energetic space clearing


€ 256,-

  • Detailed 18-point energy scan that gives you insight into the energetic situation of your house and the sources of disturbance.
  • Careful energetic clearing of your house and the immediate surroundings
  • Energetic cleaning of the current occupant(s) allowing a smooth adaptation to the new energetic situation in your home.
  • Free Friday included: remote personal clearing worth €232:
    The current occupants receive a weekly remote personal clearing on Friday after the clearing of the house for 2 months.

Energetic space clearing

Scan & Clear

€ 128,-

  • Detailed 18-point energy check that gives you insight into the energetic situation of your house and the sources of disturbance.
  • Careful energetic clearing of your home and the immediate surroundings
  • Energetic cleaning of the current occupant(s) allowing a smooth adaptation to the new energetic situation in your home.
  • Only to be ordered if you had your house cleared remotely or on-site by me at least 12 months ago (only same address)


energetic house clearing on location

There is a number of reasons to choose for an energetic house cleaning on-site. For me it is relevant to work on site if the energy of the house is seriously disturbed.

Given the intangible yet noticeable nature of this work. it can be valuable for you as residents to meet in person.

Energetic space clearing

On location

€ 384,-*

  • Detailed 18-point energy check that gives you insight into the energetic situation of your house and the sources of disturbance.
  • Careful energetic clearing of your home and the immediate surroundings
  • Energetic cleaning of the current occupant(s) allowing a smooth adaptation to the new energetic situation in your home.
  • Including Free Friday personal remote clearing.
    The current occupants receive a weekly personal clearing on Friday after the initial house clearing for a period of two months.
  • * Price excludes travel and parking costs