I don’t think there has been a word more frequently used over the past five years than polarisation. It seems as though the divisions are greater than ever, but I feel that polarisation itself hasn’t increased; we are simply now seeing its true extent. This...

Underlying everything that life is and has to offer us, there lies one great desire, and that is recognition. Is it truly allowed to exist? Ultimately, it comes down to the right to exist. This sincere recognition and granting of the right to exist to...

When you think about the perfection of nature and the wonder that life is, it would seem very strange if we as humans were not equipped from head to toe by the great mystery to be able to experience everything that is here to be...

Whether we are aware of it or not, the moment we encounter someone, we have scanned and mapped their energy beyond the constraints of time and space. In a split second, we read the pleasant, beautiful, and cheerful aspects of their energy spectrum; at the...

Time and again, I am in awe of the dedication with which life helps us. Whether it is to get us moving when we are stuck or to protect us when we are vulnerable, we can always rely on and trust this never-ending goodness. Especially...

Dr. David Hawkins created the consciousness scale, a framework for understanding human emotions and behaviour based on their energy levels and frequency. Each level on the scale represents a different state of consciousness, accompanied by various emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. The scale ranges from 0...

In times of major transitions, such as those we are currently experiencing, old structures crumble, and new ones are not yet fully established. Everything we once relied on for basic security now feels like a house of cards, infected with corruption and self-interest. These raw...

Hal and Sidra Stone, two psychologists, are the founders of the Voice Dialogue method and the ‘psychology of selves’. It is not therapy but a form of dialogue that acknowledges that we have ‘primary selves’, the parts of ourselves that we know well and deploy,...

Dear You, I come to you bearing gifts, two elements that forge a key. Where awareness meets compassion, a door opens and you access an open, fearless heart space. I invite you here, into my house. Bring all of you and find it welcomed, embraced, owned. Brought home. Because I am this, That which is...

Recent events like the on-going atrocities in the Palestine-Israeli conflict remind me of one thing. We are in danger, in danger of ourselves. When I look around I notice that people are angry, afraid and feel powerless. And rightly so, but with who are we...