
In times of major transitions, such as those we are currently experiencing, old structures crumble, and new ones are not yet fully established. Everything we once relied on for basic security now feels like a house of cards, infected with corruption and self-interest. These raw nerves of our humanity compel us to re-evaluate what we can depend on, seeking what feels natural, logical, and fulfilling both personally and collectively.

It seems we have lost faith in life’s ability to support and guide us. This uncertainty and confusion lead to loneliness or a loss of identity when aligning with external authorities, whether religious, spiritual, or otherwise.

Life constantly reminds us that we are creative beings, possessing all the intelligence and inner technology needed to live meaningful, loving lives. Natural intelligence always strives for harmony and balance, not just in individuals but in the many constellations we are part of. This principle ensures optimal cooperation in the endless dance of apparent contradictions that play out in the theatre of our earthly lives.

In this spectacle of life energy, everything revolves around movement. What creates stagnation, and what promotes flow? Most people try to solve conflicts within themselves, with others, or larger issues through the mind, seeking explanations and formulas for lasting comfort. This tension stagnates and eventually blocks our energy flow.

When we bring our conflicts to our compassionate heart, consciously experiencing and accepting them as they are, the opposite happens. We relax, allowing life to flow through us both literally and figuratively. This brings peace, energy, and clarity about what we need to do. At this point, we reconnect with the loving undercurrent that has always been with us, waiting for the invitation to flow through us, guide us, and restore our trust in the mysterious nature of life.

If life has a desire, it is to freely work through us. Like a writer bringing a character to life in a story, there is no greater fulfillment than fully animating this character in the mythical narrative of your life. Dormant in your subconscious, your superpowers and talents await their moment to step ‘on stage.’ When you clear your system of old tensions, beliefs, and traumas by consciously experiencing and embracing them, you become a superconductor for the infinite intelligence of life itself. In this open state of active receptivity, you fall into the embrace of the most certain thing in your life that has always been there: life itself.

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