According to the Dalai Lama, love and compassion are not luxury goods but essential necessities for the survival of humanity. Compassion, which literally means 'to suffer together,' arises when one is confronted with the suffering of others and is motivated to take action to alleviate...

Thanks to research conducted by the Institute of HeartMath, we are gaining increasing insight into the profound intelligence of the heart. It is now known that the heart generates an exceptionally powerful electromagnetic field. Compared to the brain, this field is 100 times stronger electrically...

When two or more people meet, a complex energetic exchange takes place. The way one responds to each other's presence is dictated by both conscious and unconscious conditioning in relation to the stimuli to which one is exposed. This conditioning is determined by numerous factors:...

It remains astonishing how quickly one forgets that they are part of a greater whole. Life masterfully provides the illusion that everything one experiences is personal, something to be understood and resolved individually. One's unique perspective on the world is fully embodied, and I suspect...

The word yoga means “to connect.” A yogi consciously lives in connection with everything and everyone. In reality, it is impossible not to be connected to everyone and everything, for this underlying unity pervades all living things. As part of the human experience, however, we...

In recent years, I have cleared thousands of homes, ranging from the grandest royal estates to the smallest, most neglected cottages you could imagine. Stepping into a house to clear it is like stepping into someone’s life, because the space in which a person lives...

Recent events, such as the ongoing atrocities in the Palestine-Israeli conflict, serve as stark reminders of one unsettling truth: we are our own greatest danger. When I observe the world, I see people who are angry, afraid, and feel powerless. These emotions are justified, but...

The American author and quantum scientist Gregg Braden is a pioneer in merging quantum physics with ancient esoteric wisdom. Over two decades, Braden travelled the world, repeatedly posing the same question to traditional healers: What happens within you when you facilitate healing or perform a...

The essence of clearing lies in consciously experiencing and allowing things to be. By halting the narrative surrounding what you experience, phenomena are revealed in their raw form, stripped of interpretation, and seen for what they truly are in the moment. Questions about why something...

Jeanne Denney of The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto conducted a fascinating study. Intrigued by the process of dying and how individuals can be supported through it, she investigated the impact of compassionate presence on the emotional, mental, and physical states of terminally...