01 Jan The tiny space in the heart
Thanks to research conducted by the Institute of HeartMath, we are gaining increasing insight into the profound intelligence of the heart. It is now known that the heart generates an exceptionally powerful electromagnetic field. Compared to the brain, this field is 100 times stronger electrically and up to 5000 times stronger magnetically. Generating such a field requires substantial energy, which originates from polarity—the apparent opposites in life. The energy released from the interplay of these opposing forces contributes to shaping the reality in which we live. The mind plays a significant role in this process. The tendency to personalise, comprehend, and resolve our experiences generates energetic charge. This tension is experienced within and around us as stress. When we attempt to discharge this tension through the mind by ‘doing’ something, it often results in greater tension and increased polarity. This phenomenon occurs within oneself but is also widely observed in the world around us, where contradictions seem to grow sharper and more pronounced.
The field generated by the heart is toroidal in nature. A toroid is a mathematical shape resembling a doughnut. Due to its form, this field can absorb information or energy through the central void of the toroid. The bundled information spirals together at a singular point before exiting the field on the other side. In ancient Vedic texts, this specific point is referred to as ‘the small space within the heart.’ It is the only place within our system where polarity does not exist. When accumulated tension converges at this point, charge is neutralised. This point is also described as a space of infinite compression, where all frequencies coalesce, are compressed, and subsequently dissolve. Conflicts can no longer persist in this space. Simultaneously, it is referred to as the place of infinite compassion—a space within our system where life is experienced as it is, before the mind intervenes; impersonal, boundless, and full of potential.
It is fascinating to realise that these two aspects of life are united within a single human being. On one hand, there is the ability to create and destroy through the mind, and on the other, the compassionate heart is always available to literally embrace life.
By consciously inviting all aspects of life into the small space within your heart, you create the possibility of being fully present for whatever arises, without being burdened by it. Not only is the compassionate heart a place of transformation where tension is released, but it is also a place of transmutation—an alchemical process where lower energies are transformed into love.
The heart is the first point at which information enters the system. The body can be used as an exquisite biofeedback system that continuously provides insights into how one is conditioned to deal with feelings, emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations. By bringing these often unconscious responses into awareness, a moment of choice is created. From this point, one can perceive what is happening in the present moment without engaging in the narrative of who, what, where, why, and when. In the convergence of conscious observation and acceptance, one gains direct access to the small space within the heart and the infinite embrace of life itself.
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