01 Jul Change of heart
The American author and quantum scientist Gregg Braden is a pioneer in merging quantum physics with ancient esoteric wisdom. Over two decades, Braden travelled the world, repeatedly posing the same question to traditional healers: What happens within you when you facilitate healing or perform a miracle? The response was unanimous: they all stated that they embody the state they wish to manifest.
Braden suggests that modern science is still burdened by two fundamental misconceptions. First, space is not empty but filled with a living essence. Second, the experiences within our bodies influence the world around us through this living essence. Traditional healers consciously create an experience—they produce the desired effect within their own bodies.
When you change the reality within your body, the world around you reflects that reality, often within minutes. A striking example of this is the story of the Huaxia Centre in Beijing, a medicine-free hospital. In a well-known video, referred to as the “3-Minute Miracle,” doctors treat a woman diagnosed with a bladder tumour. They do not perceive her as a diseased individual but rather as someone already whole, healthy, vital, and brimming with potential. By cultivating this state within themselves and collectively, they effectively draw the patient into their reality.
The doctors do not judge the tumour as good or bad; they regard it simply as a quantum possibility—just as healing is. They acknowledge the present state and invite a new possibility without creating energetic tension by attempting to manipulate or fix the current situation. By experiencing the feeling of an alternative reality, they make space for that reality to replace the existing one. Remarkably, the tumour disappears within three minutes.
This approach underscores a significant distinction between thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Feelings are centred in the heart. When we experience love, compassion, and understanding, our sense of self-worth transforms, literally altering the material fabric of the world surrounding our bodies. The heart generates the strongest electrical and magnetic fields in the human body—over 5,000 times more powerful than the energy field of the brain. By influencing the quantum field around us from the heart, we directly alter the atomic composition of our reality.
A thought is the image of a quantum possibility. Through the mind, we can isolate a specific possibility from the infinite quantum field that we wish to manifest. However, to bring this image into earthly existence and infuse it with life, human emotional energy is required—love for that possibility, clarity, and specific personal desires. The quantum field acts as both a bridge to the external world and a mirror of our inner reality, reflecting only what we project into it.
Braden explains that many ancient cultures describe the merging of thoughts and emotions. These three distinct yet interrelated experiences—thoughts, emotions, and feelings—unite within the body. Thoughts, like logic, are associated with the upper three chakras, while emotions reside in the lower three chakras. These two energies converge in the heart, where they fuse to create feelings. Feelings are the language through which the heart communicates, in real time, with the quantum field within and around us. In essence, the energy of the heart shapes the reality in which we live.
The energetic heart is often depicted as a torus—a doughnut-like form. Metaphorically, the central void of this torus represents the place where all wavelengths of life collapse into unity, a centre of ultimate compassion where no conflict can exist. Here, life is literally embraced by the heart. Simultaneously, the heart generates the output of a new reality, one rooted in love, harmony, and balance. As Braden aptly summarises, “Compassion is the force that holds life together.”
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