01 Sep Ghosts
When it comes to energetic disturbances in spaces, nothing captures the imagination quite like spirit energy. Watching too many frightening Hollywood films can make people fear what is, in essence, nothing more than energetic tension seeking release.
Spirit energy arises when individuals pass away but remain unaware of their own death, existing in a state of confusion. This confusion often results from the sudden nature of their passing—such as a brief and intense illness, an accident, suicide, or an act of violence. In some cases, a strong attachment to earthly possessions or remaining family members may prevent the deceased from fully transitioning, leaving them with one foot still in the earthly realm. Another possibility is that the living are unable to let go of the deceased. A common misconception, largely influenced by films, is that spirits linger in cemeteries. However, those buried there passed away elsewhere, meaning the memory of their death is not present at the burial site. Instead, the energetic disturbance in cemeteries often arises from visitors bringing their grief, leaving behind an accumulation of sorrow that disrupts the energy of the place and its surroundings.
A defining characteristic of spirit energy is that the consciousness of the deceased remains fixed in the time of their passing. For instance, if you reside in an old house haunted by the spirit of someone who died in 1920, that person perceives the space as it was in 1920—not as it appears in the present day. If they were aware of modern elements such as iPads, flat-screen TVs, and electric cars, it would trigger the realisation that something was amiss. These two parallel realities exist simultaneously and are interconnected through location, influencing each other. As the deceased does not realise their passing, they continue their daily life as if nothing has changed. I once visited an old canal house in Amsterdam where the resident frequently observed the apparition of a man sitting on the sofa with a plate of food, getting up, and taking it to the kitchen. Interestingly, the kitchen in 2015 no longer existed in that location, but old architectural plans revealed that a kitchen had once been situated precisely where the spirit walked. It is remarkable to consider that a person living in 2015 can be affected by someone who passed away in 1920, while the latter is equally affected by the current occupants of the house. All of this occurs simultaneously.
Spirit energy can originate from various sources, such as someone who passed away in the house itself. If individuals live somewhere for an extended period and then pass away elsewhere, their spirit energy may return to a place they considered safe and familiar. Furthermore, spirit energy may not be directly linked to the house but could be drawn in from the surrounding environment. This may stem from a recent death nearby or from historical sites such as battlefields, execution grounds, or places of sacrifice. Additionally, an individual may initially absorb spirit energy into their personal energy field and later release it into a space.
Unlike residual emotional imprints, spirit energy moves through spaces and can circulate within and around a house. This explains why many people perceive spirit energy as a dark spot or shadow seen out of the corner of their eye, only to disappear when they turn to look. This darkness signifies a lack of Chi, or life energy, which is drained from the space due to the accumulated tension surrounding the spirit energy. This depletion explains why spaces affected by spirit energy often feel cold and dark. The resulting stagnation manifests as a lack of light intensity, often appearing as a haze within the room. Additionally, specific areas within a space may feel unusually cold—an indication of significant energy loss. If spirit energy lingers for an extended period and accumulates increasing tension through interaction with its surroundings, it may evolve into a poltergeist. In such cases, the consciousness of the deceased begins to manifest more visibly in the earthly realm, resulting in phenomena such as disembodied voices, footsteps, or objects moving within the space. I recall an incident where I was clearing a house with its occupants in the bathroom when I suddenly felt an intense chill. At that moment, we all witnessed the bathroom tap turning on by itself.
Like living individuals, spirits can carry memories that held emotional significance at the time of their passing, leaving an imprint on their surroundings. Several years ago, I cleared a house and immediately sensed the presence of spirit energy upon entering. I intuitively knew it belonged to the resident’s father. As I tuned into the energy, I experienced a sudden, intense pain in my heart, resembling a heart attack. By consciously experiencing and fully embracing the sensation, the tension subsided. Shortly thereafter, I felt a sharp pain in my right groin, akin to being stabbed. Once again, I allowed the sensation to exist, and it gradually dissipated. After clearing the energy, I shared my experiences with the resident, who revealed that her father had suffered a heart attack three months earlier, passing away during surgery when the surgeon attempted to remove a bypass vein from his groin. The memory of his passing was still strongly present around the spirit energy.
I use the term spirit energy to describe individuals who have passed away but remain unaware of their death, becoming stuck and thereby causing disturbances in the spaces they occupy. Fortunately, not all deceased individuals linger in this way. Many departed souls remain perceptible, and for some, even visible, but they are consciously aware of their transition and move freely when called upon for guidance or inspiration. Unlike disruptive spirit energy, these entities do not cause disturbances in spaces or to living individuals.
Energetically speaking, spirit energy is tension seeking release. When these energies are consciously acknowledged and embraced with all their associated aspects, they can be effortlessly released through the compassionate heart. At that point, the need for such aspects of the deceased to manifest disruptively in the earthly realm ceases. The process of clearing spirit energy often results in a profound sense of gratitude, as it marks the transition from limitation to boundlessness.
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